Originally adopted by a student body vote in 1933, Scarlet and Blue are the primary signature colors of Cookeville High School and the Cookeville Cavaliers and should be used in all materials. White is a secondary accent color that is also related to the brand identity of Cookeville High School and the Cookeville Cavaliers. To ensure consistency and protect our brand identity, be sure to use proper color codes.
Our colors stand for C. H. S.,
And these they'll always be,
The Scarlet and Blue, will always do,
To serve humanity.
We do love thee, dear Central.
Here's our hearts and hands to you,
And to your gleaming colors
We promise to be true.
We do love thee, dear Central,
And our hats are off to you,
We love each hue and shade so bright,
Of old Cookeville's Scarlet and Blue.
The Scarlet's for the loyalty,
Which shows ideals high.
The other, Blue, which means be true,
To dear old Central High.
1935 Class Song
Opal Smith